Free Online Auto Repair

Free Online Auto Repair - This is the most complete and comprehensive site where you can find everything to help you fix your car. They provide online car repair diagnostic tools, car

repair cost estimates
, car repair shop finder and car repair guides and DIYs. Essentially all for the benefits of car owners which is set in minds of people who created AutoMD.

Online auto repair has never been this great.

Dubbed "Industry’s Most Complete and Unbiased Free Repair Resource Can Save American Car Owners Billions of Dollars in Yearly Car Repairs", AutoMD launching will soon revolutionize the car

repair process.

"Until today, car owners have not had access to a truly unbiased and comprehensive free auto repair resource that operates both as an advocate to assure that they’re not over-paying for repairs and are

finding the best, most affordable shop for their needs -- and as a DIY guide providing them with the information they need to do it themselves," said Shane Evangelist, President of AutoMD and CEO of US Auto


What are their experiences

AutoMD diagnosed my car for free! I cant believe it! It actually works. They even have a section where I can ask a mechanic any question, for free, and get an answer in 24 hours! This is truly a

marvel. I feel educated and the Service shops will not rip me off anymore! I also like their forum, and maintenence reminders as well! Check it out. AutoMD diagnoses your car for free. They gave me

enough info so i didnt get ripped off anymore when I visited the service shop. This website also has a ton of data on cars, has a forum, can answer questions asked to a mechanic for free in 24 hours, and a

personalized page which helps you keep up with Maintanence.

I just wanted to let you all know AutoMD is pretty good with car repair help. I stumbled on here when I was searching for estimates on what it would cost to fix my car, and i was able to go through

there online diagnostic tool and found the problem in my car was opposite what the mechanics told me.

Where to go from here?

Go ahead and try their services, simpy visit their site AutoMD and find yourself saving lot of bucks.


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