Charice - Total Girl's Cover Girl

Total Girl magazine puts the spotlight on international singing sensation Charice in their May 2010 issue.

Here’s an excerpt of the Charice interview by Maita de Jesus of Total Girl Philippines:

There’s no stopping 18-year old Charice from taking over the charts with her new album. After a long, tough journey, this proud Pinay can finally say “good riddance, haters!”

TG (Total Girl Magazine) : Your new album sounds amazing! How was it put together?

Charice: Most of the songs have a pop and r&b sound to it, but of course there are ballads in there too- we tried to have songs there that anybody would be able to like, no matter how old they are. It took me a year to make it, which they say is really fast for their standards. Sir david (foster) chose the best producers and composers to make a great album that will be a hit- well, I’m hoping it will be a hit! (laughs)

TG: We’re sure it will be! So what was it like to work with the best people in the music industry?

Charice: When we’d record a song, the producers or composers would be there teaching me how to sing the song. I’ve also been working with a dance instructor, Tony Michaels, to improve my dancing. I’m happy with him because he’s worked with one of my idols, Beyonce. At first I was naiilang [feeling awkward] to do the steps he was teaching, so when he noticed that, he played some music and asked me to do freestyle dancing. I did moves that I learned from watching Jennifer Lopez when I was growing up, so that’s the kind of style he’s been teaching me.

TG: Do you think working with all these big wigs sets you apart from the rest of the girls of your age? Most Pinay artists only dream of working with the people you’ve already worked with: Celine Dion, David Archuleta. . .

Charice: I dont think anything really sets me apart from everyone else. We all work hard and want to be successful. We all do our best. We all feel the pressure to perform well.

TG: What pushes you to do well?

Charice: It’s the negative comments I hear about myself that push me to keep on going. It’s like, if the haters annoy me, I’d annoy them even more by doing better! (laughs) But seriously, I want to prove that I can do it rather than tearing other people down, it should be really be more of giving support.

TG: That’s right! Who are your biggest supporters?

Charice: Of course (my fan club), the chasters are always there to support me. I’m so blessed that they’re so loyal and hardworking. My friends are also there for me- some of them I’ve only gotten to know recently, but it’s like I’ve known them for so long. My mom’s my biggest supporter and my best friend. It’s hard to find a real best friend who you can share anything with, and I’m glad I have her.

TG: Your mom was also the one who discovered your talent, right?

Charice: Yes, she taught me everything she knew about singing because she was a singer too. I know so many old songs because of her! The best advice she gave me about my singing is that I should always sing a song that people will remember.

TG: Looks like it works, since audiences break into tears after hearing you sing, including hollywood celebs! What’s it like to see and meet them?

Charice: It’s still a surprise to me when I see them around and I get introduced to them-and an even a bigger surprise when they say they love how I sing. Like when I met Justin Timberlake-they invited me to sing for him during an awards ceremony in his honor. After I sang, he came over and congratulated me! I also dream of meeting Beyonce one day. I’d love to follow in her footsteps when it comes to my career.. those are my two dream duets, with Justin and Beyonce!

TG: We’re sure your dream duets will come true someday! Any advice for our readers on how to make their own dreams come true?

Charice: Honestly, after losing in Little Big Star, I felt like my dreams were taken away. I was depressed for months. I kept on listening to sad emo songs. It’s true! (laughs) If it wasn’t for Falsevoice (note: a youtube user posted Charice’s videos online), I wouldn’t have made it out of my sadness. I couldn’t believe it when someone from the Ellen Show emailed me- I even had to check the email somewhere else then because we had no computer!

So my advice would be to find a way to keep on going, even if you feel like your dreams are moving away.. it’s never really the end-you just feel like it is. And usually, something good comes out of something bad, like if I didnt lose in Little Big Star, maybe I wouldn’t have gotten the opportunities I did, like going abroad and singing for audiences there. There will always be bigger, better things for you out there, you just have to keep on going!

Total Girl Philippines May 2010 issue with Charice on the cover is now available nationwide wherever magazines are sold!


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