Noynoy’s mental sickness, True or False?

Ninoy himself sought psychiatric help for Noynoy.

I did not want to write about Noynoy’s mental sickness. In a political campaign season, it looked like black propaganda from rival politicians.

That was before I received information I could trust that the allegations about Noynoy’s mental illness were true. My source is apolitical but she was moved by her responsibility to her country. She decided to do her part to stop the prevarication of others who also knew. The stories about Noynoy’s mental illness are not ‘concoctions’ she said. These should not be dismissed. It should be proved.

Noynoy’s mental sickness, True or False?

We must look at the issue closely and not be satisfied with mere gossip but seek to establish the facts.

My source has no reason to invent a story. She is a private person who received information she feels must be told. She is connecting a story many years ago when Noynoy was a young boy in Boston, not a presidential candidate but as the well-loved only son of a father frustrated that he will not be able to carry on with his legacy.

Were Ninoy alive today, he would have been shocked at the cruelty of those who would use his son for their personal ambitions. He would have been angered by the insensitivity of those who would stop at nothing to push Filipinos, herd them into a crying mob and then set up his sick son as a presidential candidate.

* * *

This is her story:

Ninoy was worried about his son and his future because he loved him. He expressed frustration that he could not rely on his son to take up his legacy but that was not his main concern. He was more worried about his happiness as a person. That is what led him to seek help from his doctor friend.

My source said that when she read about Tomcat’s (a classmate in Ateneo) letter and other stories about Noynoy’s mental problem her mind clicked and related it to Boston days. “Ay totoo pala yung sinabi sa akin many years ago.” Both the Aquinos and the doctor’s family were living in Boston. (Ninoy and his family lived in Newton, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston in self-exile from 1980 until his assassination in 1983.)

The psychiatrist in question became a close friend of the Aquino family. The doctor is now dead but he still has relatives living in Boston. Ninoy sought the doctor and his exact words to him were: “Tingnan niyo nga si Noynoy, walang ka-drive drive (for a young boy he was lethargic). He must have a problem.” The doctor told the story to some close friends among them, the source of this story. When Tomcat’s letter came out in Manila and with Noynoy a leading presidential candidate, she thought her story ought to be known. She is not a politician. She is not indulging in malicious rumors or black propaganda. She is recalling a story told to her and a circle of friends in Boston.

* * *

Psychiatry is a tradition in the doctor’s family. His mother was also a known psychiatrist and at one time headed a top mental hospital. She wrote a paper on how family interaction in the Philippines can cause mental sickness. The paper was published in American medical journals.

His strange behavior has been told by those who knew him closely, like the classmate from Ateneo, who hid under the pseudonym Tomcat. His recollections give details and can be verified by others who knew Noynoy then. These plus how Ninoy sought help for his son can be the starting point for a serious investigation.

In Tomcat’s letter he mentions the name of a psychiatrist, Dr. Manuel Escudero. He is not the doctor in Boston to whom Ninoy talked to about Noynoy.

Noynoy’s mental illness was a recurring problem, exploding in bouts while a student in Ateneo and again when they lived in exile in Boston. That belies claims he has been cured.

(Aquino’s household help have said he regularly takes seroquel and abilify, both medicines for mental illness. It is alleged that he is suffering a variant of labile disorder. Dr. SamVaknin writes that the “main dynamic in the Borderline Personality Disorder is abandonment anxiety.”

Tomcat wrote that in Ateneo his temper was well known and he had puzzling sudden mood swings. “Isang minuto, nakikikain ka kay Brudda Francis, mamayamaya nagagalit ka na.”

There are other reports of aberrant behavior. Bel Cunanan of Inquirer wrote in her column, “Some mayors relate that at a Tarlac festival, Noynoy was enjoying some halo-halo with local officials and other guests when quite suddenly, he blew some of it over the face of a friend. To the shock of those around him, Noynoy then began to laugh, as if it were a big joke.”

* * *

As one columnist put it “If psychiatric and psychological tests are required for a judge or a soldier, how much more for a president who has in his hands the fate of 92 million Filipinos?”

We must save our country from vultures who will feast on the carcasses of a doomed country. They are willing to sacrifice everything and everyone for the sake of their ambitions.

In saving our country, we also save Noynoy. He has a right to a happy, quiet life and should not be derided because of his mental problems. He needs help but not to become president of the Philippines.

Only a psychiatric test and the results made public can resolve the issue. Until then, people will continue to doubt his mental stability.

The stories of his friends in Ateneo, his Jesuit teachers and colleagues in Congress and the Senate must be collated and verified — every one and each of them. It should not be treated as mere gossip.

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The Liberal Party ought to be more responsible. When the results of the test are known he should be persuaded to withdraw as Missouri Senator Eagleton withdrew his candidacy for vice-president in 1972 just 18 days after his announcement as George McGovern’s running mate after his shock treatments for depression were known.

There are enough of us to stop the recklessness of those who persist in putting up Noynoy as president. They should have done their homework. We must support sources who are afraid to identify themselves in fear of the unthinking mob. There is enough time before May 10 to conduct psychiatric tests on him and all the other presidential candidates for the sake of fairness.



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