New DotA AI Developer is Harreke

Harreke will continue building DotA AI and expects to release DotA 6.67c AI soon. As we all know that BuffMePlz has retired on DotA AI creation and God-Tony refused to be a successor on DotA AI development. But thanks to BMP he never left us alone, he found Harreke which in past has been researching AI map technologies. read more...

Icefrog statement regarding this matter

First I want to thank BMP for all his work on the AI maps. He has worked hard to make DotA players happy, so please show him your appreciation.

As some of you might know, BMP has retired from AI map development, and has finally located a successor to continue the development; Harreke. Harreke has been researching AI map technology for a while now and has been following BMP's work. He is dedicated to building the new AI maps based on BMP's code and to expand the map development process to allow for faster updates for future versions.

He expects to release DotA 6.67c AI soon and then prepare for the DotA 6.68 AI map.

Let's all commend and give a big round of applause to BuffMePlz to all his efforts on DotA AI creation and to DotA community and for finding Harreke as the new DotA AI developer.

Thanks BMP!!!


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