DotA 6.67b AI Map

Download the latest Dota 6.67b AI Map. Harreke finally made it but still not complete. After Dota 6.67b AI, we are waiting for DotA 6.67c AI and DotA 6.68 AI, so keep visitng this page for more updates. And by some notes, "... AI player cannot use new items. And because Magnus, Nerubian Weaver, Bone Fletcher and Spirit Breaker have some skill modifications, so AI player cannot use their new skills, too. Please use -repick to make AI player choose another hero.". read more...

Heroes and items were updated from BuffMePlz's 6.66b AI.

But this AI map is incomplete. Many bugs that IceFrog fixed in DotA 6.67b still exist here. However, I am unable to fix.

IceFrog did send me script changes files, but I'm afraid those didn't help, because the script changelog does not fit for the changes in 6.67b script.

For example, the script changelog said: line 679 - "trigger XXX_AAA=null" in war3map.j of 6.66b change into line 690 - "trigger XXXAAA=null" in 6.66b. When I open 6.66b war3map.j, I found "real ABCD" in 6.66b and "unit DEFG" in 6.67b. They are not even the same sentence!

So the directly help from IceFrog did not work, I have to choose another old, original way: find official 6.67b changelog, see what's different from 6.66b, then decode 6.67b script to look for corresponding code, and copy & adjust those code to 6.66b AI script.

This is not easy. IceFrog's scripts are not compatible with BuffMePlz's. A timer variable called "E0" in 6.67b, but it called "D" in 6.66b AI.

How did I know what those variables are? The answer is, I didn't know at all. Some variables like "set P2[1]=1095331188" in 6.67b, I could track 1095331188 (aka. 'AImt') and found "set Mx[1]='AImt'" in 6.66b AI. Other variables that both with meaningless names and have no data to track, like "set MJ0=O9O", oh hell, who knows what do "MJ0" and "O9O" stand for!

So I said this AI map is incomplete. I've tried my best to follow the official 6.67b changelog, make new stuff (skills, items) work, but I can not guarantee the map won't go error and jump back to windows. To tell the truth, I only fixed the things that with details given by official changelog, something that without detail but just one sentence like "* Fixed various rare exploits", I was unable to find out where those fixing code could be by myself. I'm sorry, I did not fix and let them stay.

If Dota 6.67b AI map was confirmed with no serious problem, I will write a guide about how to improve AI abilities.

By the way, AI player cannot use new items. And because Magnus, Nerubian Weaver, Bone Fletcher and Spirit Breaker have some skill modifications, so AI player cannot use their new skills, too. Please use -repick to make AI player choose another hero.

Download link:
Dota 6.67b AI Map Download Latest DotA Ai Map
Dota 6.67c AI Map Download (coming soon)
Dota 6.68 AI Map Download (coming soon)


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